Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's all happenin'

Woh, what a night. This is what we did.
1) Finished all the paperwork and shite for, just need to send it off and hope they like us. iTunes 'ere we come woohoo!
2) Uploaded some more pages to the website
3) Recorded our second podcast - a discussion about our first video
4) Came up with an idea for a new song "My Meaty Delicacy"

Pete was in a feckin grumpy mood tonight, but I played him "Blue Veined Olympic Games" off the "Large Tough Chicken" album and that cheered him up a bit.

Monday, September 10, 2007

My DECK! I mean, the ALBUM!

Woohoo, it's all getting very exciting! Yesterday I finished the front portion of the deck I'm building. My house is built on a synclined slope and so I constructed a 1500mm wide bridging bearer section which inclines at an angle of.....oops...sorry..nevermind. So, anyway, the album. Well, not much to report really [so why write a feckin' blog entry then?]. We're working hard on the PR and digital distribution of the new album (actually, that's what I told Peter, in truth I'm dossing about doing nuffin, I'll just let him do all the work then reap the rewards, don't tell him though, it'll be oooour liiiiittle seeeecret.).

FYI I've challenged Peter to make me rich beyond my wildest dreams by 4pm (BST) August 21st 2009, if he fails I'm splitting the band...again.

Of course he may need your help. You may be required to squander your hard earned cash on the musical nonsense that we generate on a regular basis. But it's a small price to pay, it's a small price to pay, end of.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Flippin' Cheese

It's done! It's bleedin' well done I tells ya. No, not the turkey (although I really ought to go check it, what do they say, the juices have to run clear...or is it cloudy...ah I can't remember, as long as it's stopped clucking or whatever they do I'm sure it'll taste fine. I had to wedge a piece of 4x2 across the oven door to stop it from getting out)...anyway, where was I?

Oh yeah! The Album. It's finished. Whilst I would have preferred the album title to be "Dan Glee (Enter the fist)" I have bowed down to peer pressure and we have titled the album after one of the songs, namely "The Unscrupulous Fishmongers Daughter".

We're considering doing a live gig, launch-party-stylie to get new album sales and downloads off to a kick-ass start. We've also bought "", there's bugger all on it at the moment but check back often.

Talk soon, love you all.

Nigel Nonkey