Monday, September 03, 2007

Flippin' Cheese

It's done! It's bleedin' well done I tells ya. No, not the turkey (although I really ought to go check it, what do they say, the juices have to run clear...or is it cloudy...ah I can't remember, as long as it's stopped clucking or whatever they do I'm sure it'll taste fine. I had to wedge a piece of 4x2 across the oven door to stop it from getting out)...anyway, where was I?

Oh yeah! The Album. It's finished. Whilst I would have preferred the album title to be "Dan Glee (Enter the fist)" I have bowed down to peer pressure and we have titled the album after one of the songs, namely "The Unscrupulous Fishmongers Daughter".

We're considering doing a live gig, launch-party-stylie to get new album sales and downloads off to a kick-ass start. We've also bought "", there's bugger all on it at the moment but check back often.

Talk soon, love you all.

Nigel Nonkey

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