Monday, May 14, 2007


Currently, we are experiencing some recording problems which manifest themselves as audible 'clicks' in the playback of our recordings.

Nige' reckons they are caused by electrical interference from the heater and the washing machine which are running while we record.

I suspect that Nigel is adding voiced velar plosives through articulatory closures in his oral cavities.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Splash of Milk

Here's a piccy of "Swingin' Cat Studios". So named, because the room is so small you can't swing a cat. This is the small bedroom of my (Pete's) house.
Here is where we perform most of the midi programming and guitar recording.
Nige's house, ("Swingin' Cock Studios") is where we record all the vocals and perform the final mixdown.
The main tools of the trade (as displayed in the photo) are a 1989 US Standard Fender Stratocaster, a MESH PC, a Line6 POD for amplifier emulation, a Boss Acoustic simulator, a Behringer XENYX 802 mixer, Edirol speakers, AKG C1000 condenser microphone, Sennheiser headphones and a mug of Twinings Lady Gray tea (no sugar, and just a splash of milk).

Friday, May 04, 2007

"Yow want sam prowns?"

Phew! 'The Unscrupulous Fishmongers Daughter' is now finished, apart from mixdown. A tale of inscrutible marketing in the high-rolling fishmongering business. Another classic destined to be in the live set list.

"Yow want sam prowns?"


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Album Title Latest

Well, I suggest we just call the album 'Dangly', It made me laugh but Nige' started going off inventing a some knid of martial arts expert from Hong Kong called 'Dang Lee'. He then wanted to have a subtitle to the album 'Dang Lee: Fists of Fury' which suggest some kind of mastabatory connotation.

I quite like 'Kinky Newt'. What do ya think?

Album Status: 2nd May 2007

Well, we're mixing down the album at the moment, but it's taking forever, isn't it? Here's the current status of each track....

1. American Tourettes Doctor -- awaiting final mixdown
2. Babes with Bazookas -- awaiting re-recording of vocals (previous were crappola)
3. Big Naturals History Museum -- awaiting mixdown
4. Dodgey Roger Hodges -- awaiting mixdown
5. The Unscrupulous Fishmongers Daughter -- awaiting recording of guitar and vocal
6. Grab A Granny -- awaiting mixdown
7. I Table A Motion -- vocals re-recorded lastnight (unexplainable pops and clix in original)
8. Lady Lemonade -- FINISHED (Yippee!!!)
9. Switch Off Your Spam Filter (Extended Version)-- Mixed, but needs re-mixing (vocals not
clear enough)
10. Switch Off Your Spam Filter (SingleVersion)-- Needs editing down and remixing.
11. Special Glue -- Awaiting keyboards from Nev
12. Wrong Place in Cyberspace -- Awaiting keyboards from Mike and Nev
13. York Honey Pie -- FINSHED (Yippee!!!)
14. The Piggy Wiggy Song -- Awaiting re-mixing
15. Dic Tato -- Awaiting re-mixing
16. Humongous Butt Fungus -- Awaiting re-mixing

The track "Would You Like A Punch In The Face?" has been shelved; we decided it wasn't funny enough.

Anyway, another mixing session is planned for Thursday so that we can accelerate the delivery of this masterpiece.