Wednesday, December 13, 2006
The Unscrupulous Fishmongers Daughter
Finally, we finished the lyrics to 'The Unscrupulous Fishmongers Daughter'. It took ages, looking for fishy innuendo and rhymes but it was worth it. Another Nonkey classic.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
PC's Are Faeces
Shit! 14 November we spent hours recording the guitar and structuring the song previously known as 'American Tourettes Doctor'. Then, at 11pm we lost the master edit file. Don't ask me how, I'm guessing Nige' wiggled the mouse too furiously, and William F. Gates has in-built obsolescence to CRASHIF Mouse_Wiggle = 'FURIOUS'. Cnut. Willy 'kin Gates if you're reading this, Fu-Q.
We then spent an hour trying to restore the corrupted file.
We then spent an hour trying to restore the corrupted file.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
HOTTER NEWS: Nonkey Brothers Reform
After some negotiations, the The Nonkey Brothers have agreed to reform to complete the new album. Recording night has been moved to Wednesday 8 November 2006.
HOT NEWS: Nonkey Brothers Split
Hot off the press, Peter Nonkey has questioned Nigel Nonkey's commitment to the band. Tuesday 7 November 2006 is a scheduled recording night, but Nigel has decided to out for a beer with work colleagues instead.
The Nonkey Brothers have agreed to go their separate ways.
The Nonkey Brothers have agreed to go their separate ways.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
We're On A Roll
Yeh baby! Now we're on a roll. On Tuesday 12 September 2006 we recorded the guitar parts for 'I Table A Motion' and to 'Wrong Place in Cyberspace'. Once again, my guitar virtuosity triumphed! The Funky Guitar Jedi returns.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
One Chord Pony
What Nige' fails to understand, of course, is that where it takes lesser guitarist several chords to capture the emotive essence of a song, I can do it in one. Forget Scotty Moores jazz-tinged rock 'n' roll strummings or Jimi Hendrix's wild-ass noodlings and Steve Jones three-chord thrashes. If you are as good as me, one chord is all you need. And my playing ain't 'out of time'; it's called 'swing'. I got 'swing' by the sackful. I'm the original swinger.
Friday, September 08, 2006
I will admit one thing...
...Peter is an extraordinary guitarist. I know that sounds weird coming from me, I'm usually putting him down, slagging him off or otherwise trying to pump up my ego whilst deflating his. But when it comes to mastery of his chosen instrument, Peter is second to none. In all honesty, it's a true delight to watch him play. The way he carefully but sensually lifts his strat up onto his lap, like a delicate lover. The way he tunes it's strings, gently plucking and twisting as if beginning the musical foreplay. The way he grips the maple neck, firmly but sensually, as if to show his baby that he is in charge, but that he wants nothing more than for her to sing with delight. And then he slowly turns the volume and tone controls, engages the acoustic simulator, flicks the pick-up selector whilst positioning his fingers and then down, down comes the plectrum, it hits the first string perfectly and continues on, a chord begins to swell and by the end of the stroke the sweetest most beautiful symbiotic combination of tones rings out. The hair on the back of my neck rises, my eyes sting with the emotion, the shear beauty of the moment is breath taking. And then it is over. I stop the recording and that single perfect chord is captured forever in millions of ones and zeroes.
And there's the problem right there, one chord, one f#'king chord, that's all he can bloody play and guess who has to w#nking-well cut, paste and pitch shift that chord into a whole bloody song, yep, you've guest it, muggins here. He can't even play the damn thing in time, I have to manually correct that too! Sheesh, what a tosser.
Having said that, after I had worked my digital wizardry on Peter's chord Big Naturals History Museum is actually starting to sound pretty good. If I can be arsed I might upload a little snippit for you to listen to. No vox yet I'm afraid.
And there's the problem right there, one chord, one f#'king chord, that's all he can bloody play and guess who has to w#nking-well cut, paste and pitch shift that chord into a whole bloody song, yep, you've guest it, muggins here. He can't even play the damn thing in time, I have to manually correct that too! Sheesh, what a tosser.
Having said that, after I had worked my digital wizardry on Peter's chord Big Naturals History Museum is actually starting to sound pretty good. If I can be arsed I might upload a little snippit for you to listen to. No vox yet I'm afraid.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I Am The Funky Guitar Jedi
Yo, Nonkster! Finally we got down to the best part of the Nonkey recording process; recording my guitar parts. The song ain't worth a sh*t until I've sprinkled my magic funk dust over it. Then, it comes to life. I just plug my funky Fender Stratocaster into my funky Boss Acoustic Simulator, take the output to the PC and when Nige' says 'Funk it baby!' Funkmagic comes from my fingers. Listen out for the funky riff on the opening of 'Big Naturals History Museum'. I am the Funky Guitar Jedi. Freak out.
Friday, September 01, 2006
After the Hiatus
Hey...yeh...we're still alive. Sorry about that little break in communications. The creative juices dried up and when you're constipated the worse thing you can do it force it; just ask Nige' (his constant creative constipation has resulted in many-a stiff-shit song remember 'Willy Poppin' anyone?)
After the classic 'Special Glue' song we've taken a bit of time to gather our thoughts, review our work in progress and have a holiday. The good new is that we start recording the guitars and vocal parts for the songs next week. Tuesday, 5 Sept. 2006. My birthday! I'll be forty-bleedin'-two. Yeysuz. I started the Nonkeys when I was a young whippy-snappy twenty-one year old!
How times change. I guess that's why we find it increasingly difficult to write funny lyrics; we just can't write songs about the things we used to write songs about. 'I Want To Caress Your Creamy White Breasts' makes you titter when you're 21, but if we sang it now we'd just be accused of being dirty-old men. Which actually, we are, so maybe it doesn't matter. I like young firm white breasts. Nothing under-age, you understand. Just plump, flubbery, jiggly juggles. Yummy. Oooo.
After the classic 'Special Glue' song we've taken a bit of time to gather our thoughts, review our work in progress and have a holiday. The good new is that we start recording the guitars and vocal parts for the songs next week. Tuesday, 5 Sept. 2006. My birthday! I'll be forty-bleedin'-two. Yeysuz. I started the Nonkeys when I was a young whippy-snappy twenty-one year old!
How times change. I guess that's why we find it increasingly difficult to write funny lyrics; we just can't write songs about the things we used to write songs about. 'I Want To Caress Your Creamy White Breasts' makes you titter when you're 21, but if we sang it now we'd just be accused of being dirty-old men. Which actually, we are, so maybe it doesn't matter. I like young firm white breasts. Nothing under-age, you understand. Just plump, flubbery, jiggly juggles. Yummy. Oooo.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Special Glue
So, here we are again. Pete and I back to blogging. Actually we're sitting together at the keyboard right now so this is a mutual blog. We've just finished the words and music to a brand new song called "Special Glue". It's all about a guy who exploits the glue-like properties of secretions. Not sure there is much else I should say...oh... apart from the fact that it involves 18 nuns and a broken rolling pin.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Uma Thurmans Pallumpas
She's kind of funny looking, not your natural beauty,
she looks great in tight jeans, but she'd look better covered in my juicies.
she looks great in tight jeans, but she'd look better covered in my juicies.
Mongos Bongos
He's got an extra 21st chromosome
makes him dribble, and rock and moan
He suffers a degree of cognitive debility
but demonstrates a modicome of rhythmic ability
Wherever he goes his bongos with him
and everyone loves Mongos bongo riddim
makes him dribble, and rock and moan
He suffers a degree of cognitive debility
but demonstrates a modicome of rhythmic ability
Wherever he goes his bongos with him
and everyone loves Mongos bongo riddim
Caught Up In Da Boollax
Sorry folks for not updating da big log lately, we've been caught up in da boollax.
As you recollect I wrote a song called 'Would You Like A Smack In the Mouth' which Nige' dumbed-down to 'Would You Like a Punch In The Face' to avoid any drug connotation. Well, that done, we set out to program the music. We found a superb Pasa Doble song on the internet, and we've spent a hairy mamouth balloon-busting 4 weeks re-programming the booger just to get it to match the melody. It sounds great, but it's STILL not finished, and in a rush to comlplete it Nige' has suggested he raps the hook line /chorus. It makes me laugh but it's turned what could've been a classic sing-along into what we call a 'stocking filler' (ie a song that we'll record for the album but will never see the light of day again).
So I think we should drop the Pasa Doble idea (after 4 weeks work) and go back to a more traditional guitar/drums/bass song. Tonight, I take the proposal to my writing partner. I will let you know how it goes.
Ooo, gotta shit. Laterz.
As you recollect I wrote a song called 'Would You Like A Smack In the Mouth' which Nige' dumbed-down to 'Would You Like a Punch In The Face' to avoid any drug connotation. Well, that done, we set out to program the music. We found a superb Pasa Doble song on the internet, and we've spent a hairy mamouth balloon-busting 4 weeks re-programming the booger just to get it to match the melody. It sounds great, but it's STILL not finished, and in a rush to comlplete it Nige' has suggested he raps the hook line /chorus. It makes me laugh but it's turned what could've been a classic sing-along into what we call a 'stocking filler' (ie a song that we'll record for the album but will never see the light of day again).
So I think we should drop the Pasa Doble idea (after 4 weeks work) and go back to a more traditional guitar/drums/bass song. Tonight, I take the proposal to my writing partner. I will let you know how it goes.
Ooo, gotta shit. Laterz.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Foresight IS a wonderful thing
So Nige' scoffs, because I said I'd like the power of 'foresight'. Yeh, I could've said I'd like to be X-Ray Man so I can see girlies nawks through their lacies. I could've said I'd like to be Cumslinger Man so I could shoot crims with my high powered blue-veined custard chucker. But I didn't. I said I'd like to have the power of foresight. Surely an equally cool superpower?
Surely, If Nige' had foresight he would NEVER have taken the life-paths he has. Heh?
Surely, If Nige' had foresight he would NEVER have taken the life-paths he has. Heh?
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Foresight is a wonderful thing
"If you had a super power, what would it be and why?"
This is a classic psyche analysis question. Not being a psychologist I have absolutely no clue how one would accurately interpret a subject's answer. But what I do know is that normal people will all say "The ability to fly" and "Coz it would be a right laugh". People who are just beginning the short journey to noodleland, and hence have the potential to be saved, might say "The ability to shoot web" (ref. Spiderman) and "Coz it would be a right laugh". Any other response and I'm afraid you're in for a long stay at Hotel Binlooney.
Now, you may wonder why the heck I am telling you all this? Well, Peter recently had a psyche test, and in the test he was asked this classic question "If you had a super power, what would it be and why?". And do you know what he said? Go on, take a guess....I'll wait....nope, not that, although there is a small land-locked state in Madagascar where that is actually legal...go on try again....nope...he didn't say that either, not even for comedy effect, and the doctor doing the test was female so that may have been inappropriate. OK, you are never going to guess, so I'll have to tell you. He said......"Foresight".
(cue tumbleweed and the sound of gentle wind)
I didn't even hear why he said this coz I think I may have fallen asleep. It was such a DULL answer. DULL DULL DULL. I'm going to treat this as a short transient phase in Peter's life. I have to. I'm not even going to begin to consider what this response might infer regarding Peter's mental state, apart from perhaps that he didn't have one.
Anyway, I think he's OK now. His idea about nailing rubber castings of ladies chesty-bumps at waist height (see previous blog and associated song idea) seems to suggest to me that he is back in the land of normal. But, I will be monitoring this situation....
This is a classic psyche analysis question. Not being a psychologist I have absolutely no clue how one would accurately interpret a subject's answer. But what I do know is that normal people will all say "The ability to fly" and "Coz it would be a right laugh". People who are just beginning the short journey to noodleland, and hence have the potential to be saved, might say "The ability to shoot web" (ref. Spiderman) and "Coz it would be a right laugh". Any other response and I'm afraid you're in for a long stay at Hotel Binlooney.
Now, you may wonder why the heck I am telling you all this? Well, Peter recently had a psyche test, and in the test he was asked this classic question "If you had a super power, what would it be and why?". And do you know what he said? Go on, take a guess....I'll wait....nope, not that, although there is a small land-locked state in Madagascar where that is actually legal...go on try again....nope...he didn't say that either, not even for comedy effect, and the doctor doing the test was female so that may have been inappropriate. OK, you are never going to guess, so I'll have to tell you. He said......"Foresight".
(cue tumbleweed and the sound of gentle wind)
I didn't even hear why he said this coz I think I may have fallen asleep. It was such a DULL answer. DULL DULL DULL. I'm going to treat this as a short transient phase in Peter's life. I have to. I'm not even going to begin to consider what this response might infer regarding Peter's mental state, apart from perhaps that he didn't have one.
Anyway, I think he's OK now. His idea about nailing rubber castings of ladies chesty-bumps at waist height (see previous blog and associated song idea) seems to suggest to me that he is back in the land of normal. But, I will be monitoring this situation....
It's started raining again
Metaphorically of course. Yep, so what, so freakin' what, we had a short "ideas drought", it happens to the best of us. And since Peter insisted on banning the use of my hose pipe (which I usually use to shower him with inspiration when I'm feeling a bit artistically frustrated or he's annoying me) what's a guy to do. So, we sat and festered in dried up puddles of creativity for nearly 2 weeks.
Then suddenly, on Monday night, the thunder clapped, the heavens opened and a torrential downpour of sidesplitting comedy rain soaked us through (am I pushing this analogy a little to hard?).
Peter's "big naturals" idea actually turned into one wickedly funny song called "The Big Naturals History Museum". I'm not even gonna try to describe it, you'll just have to wait, but this is a good one!
Then suddenly, on Monday night, the thunder clapped, the heavens opened and a torrential downpour of sidesplitting comedy rain soaked us through (am I pushing this analogy a little to hard?).
Peter's "big naturals" idea actually turned into one wickedly funny song called "The Big Naturals History Museum". I'm not even gonna try to describe it, you'll just have to wait, but this is a good one!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
New Album Hits the Skids
Another song writing Monday evening came and went. No fervent tappety-tap of computer keyboard, not guffawing at our own genius, no marvelling at how we managed to shoe-horn obscure words into an impossible rhyme.
The fertile minds that once bore Nonkey fruit have dried up. We are in the midst of a comedy drought. Not since 1976 have we faced such hardship. If this continues we will need to install stand-pipes.
For 3 hours we sat there, in the music room, staring at each other. All Nige' could come up with was a idea to write a song called 'You Are Shit'. I had an idea to write a song about 'Big Naturals'. We laughed at the thought of a song called 'Big Naturals History Museum'. And that was it. Total waste of time. We need inspiration. Anyone?
The fertile minds that once bore Nonkey fruit have dried up. We are in the midst of a comedy drought. Not since 1976 have we faced such hardship. If this continues we will need to install stand-pipes.
For 3 hours we sat there, in the music room, staring at each other. All Nige' could come up with was a idea to write a song called 'You Are Shit'. I had an idea to write a song about 'Big Naturals'. We laughed at the thought of a song called 'Big Naturals History Museum'. And that was it. Total waste of time. We need inspiration. Anyone?
Monday, March 20, 2006
Nonkey Songwriting Technique Part 3 - DRUMS
So, we've (I've) written lyrics to 'I Table A Motion', and Nige' has tweeked them (ie removed some of the words cos he thinks it's a physical impossibility to get all of the syllables to scan - where as I think he's just lazy).
We've got the formula (Key to The Safe) * (Catchy + Happy) * p = NONKEY CLASSIC
Where p is the special factor, 'Peter Magic'.
We already know the Key to The Safe is going to be 'A'. We've devised a happy major chord progression of 'E', 'A', 'D' (and we've added a bit of spice to the D Chord by leaving one finger off and playing an 'E' note). And we've decided on a Ska-style song.
Next we need to lay down the drum track. We could get a drummer in, but they never keep perfect time. So we program the track via midi, beat by beat in Tracktion. OR we find a previously programmed, like-style midi song on the Internet and use the drum sequence from that. For this song we took 'Baggy Trousers' by Madness as the basis for the drum sequence. We lifted a short 2 bar section to give us a basic bass drum, snare drum, hi-hat sequence to provide is with our drum template.
As Sweet As My Come. To be continued.
We've got the formula (Key to The Safe) * (Catchy + Happy) * p = NONKEY CLASSIC
Where p is the special factor, 'Peter Magic'.
We already know the Key to The Safe is going to be 'A'. We've devised a happy major chord progression of 'E', 'A', 'D' (and we've added a bit of spice to the D Chord by leaving one finger off and playing an 'E' note). And we've decided on a Ska-style song.
Next we need to lay down the drum track. We could get a drummer in, but they never keep perfect time. So we program the track via midi, beat by beat in Tracktion. OR we find a previously programmed, like-style midi song on the Internet and use the drum sequence from that. For this song we took 'Baggy Trousers' by Madness as the basis for the drum sequence. We lifted a short 2 bar section to give us a basic bass drum, snare drum, hi-hat sequence to provide is with our drum template.
As Sweet As My Come. To be continued.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Isn't Spam A Wonderful Thing?
Hey, I'm a lucky geezer, ain't I? It's amazing how many emails I get from people I don't know -- and they're all offering me amazing things; Knock down prices on Viagra and dirt cheap penis enlargement pills -- their market research is amazing! The only way they'd know I have a small, flacid dick would be if they'd surveryed my old girlfriends. Smart people.
But the best emails have to be from Mister Umbongo in Nigeria. His last dying wish seems to be for me to have the small fortune he's accumulated legitimately though accountancy fraud. Come on, how could anybody refuse such a wonderful opportunity? And I've been chosen for my trustworthiness and for my closeness to Godliness. Who has Mr Umbongo been speaking to to know I'm such an upstanding pillar of the community?
Anyway, these great unsolicited offers inspired the new Nonkey song 'Switch off Your Spam Filters'. Great song, great spam.
Keep diggin' the Nonkeys!
But the best emails have to be from Mister Umbongo in Nigeria. His last dying wish seems to be for me to have the small fortune he's accumulated legitimately though accountancy fraud. Come on, how could anybody refuse such a wonderful opportunity? And I've been chosen for my trustworthiness and for my closeness to Godliness. Who has Mr Umbongo been speaking to to know I'm such an upstanding pillar of the community?
Anyway, these great unsolicited offers inspired the new Nonkey song 'Switch off Your Spam Filters'. Great song, great spam.
Keep diggin' the Nonkeys!
Friday, February 24, 2006
C'mon Nige' Where's Ya Classic?

OK, gang, here's the rub. We've written the lyrics for at least 50% of the songs for the new 2006 album and Nige' has only come up with one of those songs. Sure, he's added his special sauce to my lyrics, but the only original idea he's had is 'Lady Lemonade'. So, I would just like to remind him (and everyone else) exactly how good a song writer he is, when he's in the zone. Here are the lyrics to 'Darren McTangles Turnips'. Oh, Nige', those were the days. Please, please, please get in the zone. You can't rely on me to carry you.
I grow turnips in me wee allotment
Situated in the Forth of Firth of Fife of Scotland.
All the bonnie lassies come from miles around
Just to see me turnips growing in the ground.
You take the high road and I'll take the low road
And I'll be Scotland afore yee.
I'll take the high road and you take the low road
And we'll have turnip soup for tea.
diddley idley diddley idley
diddley idley diddley idley
diddley idley diddley idley
diddley idley diddley oh
Two wee lassies, I think that they were foreign
Were givin' me a funny look as I fumbled with me sporran.
I felt a little shameful I felt a little guilt
When I pulled a 2 pound turnip from beneath me kilt.
You take the high road and I'll take the low road
And I'll be Scotland afore yee.
I'll take the high road and you take the low road
And we'll have turnip soup for tea.
diddley idley ...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
What a Balloon Buster
Phew! That was a balloon buster. Lift your imaginary unfeasibly over-sized testicles on to the desk in front of you and use your imaginary comedy mallet to tenderize the aforemention space-hoppers until your eyes water.
That's what it's like trying to get what you hear in your head transcribed into a drum sequence, a bassline, a piano part, a bassoon solo.
Lastnight, we started laying down the music backing for 'Lady Lemonade'. This means using Tracktion ( to program indivual tracks. We can't decide if Tracktion is awesome or shit, because this is the first time we've used it in anger (and frustration). First impressions are, that it's cock.
In the good old days we used a Commodore Amiga with Music X sequencing software. 'Little Johnny Amiga' was the affectionate name we gave to our rather flakey computey.
Then, when it became clear that you were a nobody unless you had an Intel-inside we relucantly switched to PC. For many years we used Voyetras Digital Orchestrator, but with the introduction of Windows 98 that too became flakey-pastry apple crumble, F*CK it's just crash AGAIN! BASTAAAARRRDDDDD!
Now, in the 21st Century, we've tried Cakewalk, but that seems to be confounding, befuddling bollox. So, we're persevering with Tracktion. We'll let you know whether we personally recommend it, or give it a Nonkey Phrrt.
That's what it's like trying to get what you hear in your head transcribed into a drum sequence, a bassline, a piano part, a bassoon solo.
Lastnight, we started laying down the music backing for 'Lady Lemonade'. This means using Tracktion ( to program indivual tracks. We can't decide if Tracktion is awesome or shit, because this is the first time we've used it in anger (and frustration). First impressions are, that it's cock.
In the good old days we used a Commodore Amiga with Music X sequencing software. 'Little Johnny Amiga' was the affectionate name we gave to our rather flakey computey.
Then, when it became clear that you were a nobody unless you had an Intel-inside we relucantly switched to PC. For many years we used Voyetras Digital Orchestrator, but with the introduction of Windows 98 that too became flakey-pastry apple crumble, F*CK it's just crash AGAIN! BASTAAAARRRDDDDD!
Now, in the 21st Century, we've tried Cakewalk, but that seems to be confounding, befuddling bollox. So, we're persevering with Tracktion. We'll let you know whether we personally recommend it, or give it a Nonkey Phrrt.
Nonkey Songwriting Technique Part 2
So, where was I? Ahh, yes. I've had the idea, I've written the lyrics. Now I have to write the music.
Musical inspiration can come to me at anytime. And when it comes, it comes in a flash, without warning. I have to sieze the moment, grab my guitar and work out the melody before it is gone forever. I've lost count of the number of times I've had a number one hit single in my head but I've forgotten it before I've had time to wipe my arse and flush the bog (forget washing your hands).
It normally starts with an idea (my idea) for a melody. The melody has to be catchy, something that people will sing along to. I am the Master of Melody. Then, it's a case of fitting a guitar chord sequence around the melody. I am the Master of Chords Sequences.
Nige' (the less talented Nonkey) has an limited range of 'vocal stylings' he can call upon, depending on the syle of the song. He tends to favour 'straight' singing in the key of A, or thereabouts. I call this the 'Key to The Safe'. If we stick to A we can be pretty sure most notes will be within Nige's range (ie there won't be much vocal talent required). And there'll definately be no anal prolapse when Nige' struggles for the high notes. I remember one time we tried to record a song in the key of Bb, but when Nige' reached for the high note I had to put my fist up his arse to ensure he did not lose his internal organs. (Or was that just a dream I had?)
Actually, Bb is fine if he applies the mallet-to-the-spacehoppers-Bee-Gees technique, and G is OK for that Bob-Dylan-out-of-key-can't-sing-for-toffee effect which Nige' seems to want to perpetuate the use of on all Nonkey songs.
Anyhow, back to the chords. The catchy chorus is what it's all about. If there's a chorus to be sung, it has to be catchy and happy (I am the Master of the Catchy Happy Chorus). That means keeping the chord sequence simple and avoiding those melancholy Minor chords.
The formula is:
Key to the Safe=A
Catchy=Simple Chords.
Happy=Major Chords.
(Key to The Safe) * (Catchy + Happy) * p = NONKEY CLASSIC
Where p is the special factor, I like to call 'Peter Magic'. Heh?
Musical inspiration can come to me at anytime. And when it comes, it comes in a flash, without warning. I have to sieze the moment, grab my guitar and work out the melody before it is gone forever. I've lost count of the number of times I've had a number one hit single in my head but I've forgotten it before I've had time to wipe my arse and flush the bog (forget washing your hands).
It normally starts with an idea (my idea) for a melody. The melody has to be catchy, something that people will sing along to. I am the Master of Melody. Then, it's a case of fitting a guitar chord sequence around the melody. I am the Master of Chords Sequences.
Nige' (the less talented Nonkey) has an limited range of 'vocal stylings' he can call upon, depending on the syle of the song. He tends to favour 'straight' singing in the key of A, or thereabouts. I call this the 'Key to The Safe'. If we stick to A we can be pretty sure most notes will be within Nige's range (ie there won't be much vocal talent required). And there'll definately be no anal prolapse when Nige' struggles for the high notes. I remember one time we tried to record a song in the key of Bb, but when Nige' reached for the high note I had to put my fist up his arse to ensure he did not lose his internal organs. (Or was that just a dream I had?)
Actually, Bb is fine if he applies the mallet-to-the-spacehoppers-Bee-Gees technique, and G is OK for that Bob-Dylan-out-of-key-can't-sing-for-toffee effect which Nige' seems to want to perpetuate the use of on all Nonkey songs.
Anyhow, back to the chords. The catchy chorus is what it's all about. If there's a chorus to be sung, it has to be catchy and happy (I am the Master of the Catchy Happy Chorus). That means keeping the chord sequence simple and avoiding those melancholy Minor chords.
The formula is:
Key to the Safe=A
Catchy=Simple Chords.
Happy=Major Chords.
(Key to The Safe) * (Catchy + Happy) * p = NONKEY CLASSIC
Where p is the special factor, I like to call 'Peter Magic'. Heh?
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Tough job
Well, monday night saw another few hours of Nonkey magic. Pete and I spent a couple of hours deliberating over whether his new song "Smack in the Mouth" (Now called "Punch in the face") should contain the phrase "fruit punch flavoured" or "fruity punch flavoured" (I know, I know, it is quite sad). Anyway, I favored the former. Now, I did just use the word "deliberating", in reality it was a rather more heated exchange, I accused him of being a precious little madam who couldn't handle even the most minor criticsm and he called me a w*nker.
We broke for hot bevvies, I had a coffee and Peter had his usual mug of Lady Grey. I have told him many times that he's a ponce for drinking such exotic tea, but he seems to enjoy it, and the tea. So after the poncey tea break, we got back to it and tried to work on a different song. This one is a poetic, aliterative masterpiece, which contains a marvellous, switchback progression from verse to verse of the dominant internal aliterative syllables. From memory it goes something like this
Dodgey Roger Hodges, the odd job bodger
Lodged his todger in a podgey old codger
This meaty wedgey made Reggie Hedges,
a perennial veggie, very edgy
Messy Bessy....
So you see, we start with the "odge" sound, then keep the "dge" sound but replace the "o" with an "e" in the second verse to give "edge", then we switch and keep the "e" but replace the "dge" with "ss", and so it goes. It's so f**king clever, I'm almost wetting my pants writing about it. The the best thing is the whole song reaches towards a climax with a whole gang of unlikely characters having a full on, depraved, orgy, which is itself a metaphor for the perverse orgy of rhyme and aliteration that permeates the entire poetic dynamic of the work....I have now peed in my undies....sorry. Good evening.
We broke for hot bevvies, I had a coffee and Peter had his usual mug of Lady Grey. I have told him many times that he's a ponce for drinking such exotic tea, but he seems to enjoy it, and the tea. So after the poncey tea break, we got back to it and tried to work on a different song. This one is a poetic, aliterative masterpiece, which contains a marvellous, switchback progression from verse to verse of the dominant internal aliterative syllables. From memory it goes something like this
Dodgey Roger Hodges, the odd job bodger
Lodged his todger in a podgey old codger
This meaty wedgey made Reggie Hedges,
a perennial veggie, very edgy
Messy Bessy....
So you see, we start with the "odge" sound, then keep the "dge" sound but replace the "o" with an "e" in the second verse to give "edge", then we switch and keep the "e" but replace the "dge" with "ss", and so it goes. It's so f**king clever, I'm almost wetting my pants writing about it. The the best thing is the whole song reaches towards a climax with a whole gang of unlikely characters having a full on, depraved, orgy, which is itself a metaphor for the perverse orgy of rhyme and aliteration that permeates the entire poetic dynamic of the work....I have now peed in my undies....sorry. Good evening.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Would You Like A Smack In The Mouth?
After Caractacus Potts' and Truly Scrumptious' failed marketing campaign for 'Toot Sweets' I always wanted to invent a new sweet called a 'Smack In The Mouth'. I thought it could be a fizzy, tangy sweet that give you a 'smack'. Wouldn't the marketing campaign be cool? Just think, you could go round asking people if they would like a 'Smack In The Mouth'. Heh?
So I wrote the lyrics to 'Would You Like A Smack In The Mouth?' and Nige' edited them (read 'dumbed them down') because, apparently, 'smack' has a drug connotation. So now it's called 'Would You Like A Boiled Sweet'. S'gonna be a hit, that, eh Nige'?
So I wrote the lyrics to 'Would You Like A Smack In The Mouth?' and Nige' edited them (read 'dumbed them down') because, apparently, 'smack' has a drug connotation. So now it's called 'Would You Like A Boiled Sweet'. S'gonna be a hit, that, eh Nige'?
Friday, February 10, 2006
Wrong Place In Cyberspace
This song is about a niave and innocent Internet user, who has just been introduced to the wonders of broadband. He decides to buy gifts for some of his family, but get's more than he bargains for with his poor choice of search criteria. The first episode goes like this...
First on my list was a gift for my mother
A rejuvenating thermal mud pack
So I typed in "hot facial" and clicked the Search button
And you won't believe what came back!
Wow! We're really rockin' now.
Sweet AMC.
First on my list was a gift for my mother
A rejuvenating thermal mud pack
So I typed in "hot facial" and clicked the Search button
And you won't believe what came back!
Wow! We're really rockin' now.
Sweet AMC.
Babes With Bazookas
So, 'Babes With Bazookas' is finished. A classic observational piece written after a one-handed visit to Phew! How do they think these things up? Semi-naked women, shooting automatic weapons at ripe melons. The coolest thing is that we were able to rhyme 'Kalishnikov' with 'knickers off'. Eh?
Sorry, I Should've Introduced You
Sorry, everyone, I should've introduced you to the band. That last post was by 'Moonshine' Simes, formerly bass guitar player with the Nonkeys. As is evident, he isn't funny, and he isn't clever. If anyone has any theory about what the f*ck he is going on about, please let us know.
Hopefully, 'Blind Lemon' Mikey (the worlds greatest keyboard player and genuinely lovely person) will soon be blogging too. Mike?
Does anyone know where Andy 'Five Skins' the drummer is?
Hopefully, 'Blind Lemon' Mikey (the worlds greatest keyboard player and genuinely lovely person) will soon be blogging too. Mike?
Does anyone know where Andy 'Five Skins' the drummer is?
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I Table A Motion
Do you work in an office? Is there someone in the office who keeps his/her tidy desk? And has a desktidy? Someone who always has the best stapler, and won't lend it out? Someone who always puckers up to the boss? Claims your work as his/her own? Anonymously reports you to the Companys' Business Ethics hotline for taking a paperclip home?
Yeh, well this song is about getting revenge on a tw*t like that. Here's verse 2...
There’s a guy at work
He’s got a fully loaded Rexel Taurus
Stapler in chrome
And a Rapid Liberty Long Arm Staple Remover
Which he won’t loan
He’s got a BT Converse 14-hundred
Business telephone
And he’s always tabling my proposal and
Claiming them as his own
He sits beside me
He’s got a desk tidy
…he’s a twat
American Tourettes Doctor
I've had the chorus for some time. I sing it under my breath when I don't like someone.
"Stick it up ya f*ckin' ass
Stick it up ya f*ckin' ass
Stick it up ya f*ckin'
Stick it up ya f*ckin'
Stick it up ya f*ckin' ass"
Some of the guys at work sing it now too. It must be a classic. So I had this idea for an American Doctor who, because of his tourettes, prescribes every patient with a supository and tells them to "Stick it up ya f*ckin' ass".
To his credit, Nige' contributed to a couple of the verses by using Google to search for ailments that didn't need a supository to cure them.
His other contribution was to suggest that the expression "f*ckin' ass" was a little agressive and that perhaps we should consider substituting it with "hairy ass". Being the conciliatory, happy-go-lucky, team player that I am, I agreed with my song-writing partner and bestfriend that I would be comfortable with "hairy ass".
"Stick it up ya f*ckin' ass
Stick it up ya f*ckin' ass
Stick it up ya f*ckin'
Stick it up ya f*ckin'
Stick it up ya f*ckin' ass"
Some of the guys at work sing it now too. It must be a classic. So I had this idea for an American Doctor who, because of his tourettes, prescribes every patient with a supository and tells them to "Stick it up ya f*ckin' ass".
To his credit, Nige' contributed to a couple of the verses by using Google to search for ailments that didn't need a supository to cure them.
His other contribution was to suggest that the expression "f*ckin' ass" was a little agressive and that perhaps we should consider substituting it with "hairy ass". Being the conciliatory, happy-go-lucky, team player that I am, I agreed with my song-writing partner and bestfriend that I would be comfortable with "hairy ass".
That Kebab Incident
Oh, really! It seems 'That Kebab Incident' hasn't really been forgiven or forgotten at all, has it? It would seem that Nigel is living in an alternate reality where everything revolves around him. Hey, Nige', Let's play horse. I'll be the front end and you be yourself.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Oh Honestly!
Sheesh! I set up a blog so that Peter and I can communicate freely, regularly and honestly with our existing (and potential) fan base and what does he go and do? He goes and uses it as a way to electronically tickle his tiny ego. In an attempt, presumably, to engorge it and make it temporarily a little larger.
Don't get me wrong, I love Pete more than I love my PS2, but it behooves me to set the record straight.
And so...
Basically, the Nonkey song writing recipe goes like this...
1. Pete has an idea
2. It's a knob idea, so we dump it in Dee Dumpster
3. Pete has another idea
4. It's another knob idea but incredibly it sparks inspiration within me
5. I have an idea
6. Pete and I agree that my idea is fantastic
7. Pete writes the lyrics
8. I re-write the lyrics to make them funny
9. Pete strums his guitar, seemingly at random until I shout, "hey play those two chords again", and voila the music is complete.
10. I record Peter on his guitar over and over seemingly ad nauseam until we are able to cut and paste enough reasonable bits together and form a chord progression that we can then set on auto-repeat
11. I record the vocals, which frankly saves the song
We both agree that I am the creative genius of the duo. Peter is the musician, the sidekick, the stooge. With or without me...he is nothing.
Love you all
Nigel Nonkey
Don't get me wrong, I love Pete more than I love my PS2, but it behooves me to set the record straight.
And so...
Basically, the Nonkey song writing recipe goes like this...
1. Pete has an idea
2. It's a knob idea, so we dump it in Dee Dumpster
3. Pete has another idea
4. It's another knob idea but incredibly it sparks inspiration within me
5. I have an idea
6. Pete and I agree that my idea is fantastic
7. Pete writes the lyrics
8. I re-write the lyrics to make them funny
9. Pete strums his guitar, seemingly at random until I shout, "hey play those two chords again", and voila the music is complete.
10. I record Peter on his guitar over and over seemingly ad nauseam until we are able to cut and paste enough reasonable bits together and form a chord progression that we can then set on auto-repeat
11. I record the vocals, which frankly saves the song
We both agree that I am the creative genius of the duo. Peter is the musician, the sidekick, the stooge. With or without me...he is nothing.
Love you all
Nigel Nonkey
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Our first new song in 6 years
Hey, the first song for the new Nonkey album is written. It's called 'Lady Lemonade' and it's about a girl who just drinks fizzy citrus-flavoured non-alcoholic beverages. There is, of course, a twist (not just of lemon) but we won't give too much away -- you'll have to buy the album ;-)
Be assured, it is a funny song. Actually, Nige' wrote the basics of this song some time ago, for a blues band. We had to sit down the re-work it. It need 'raunching' up in a Nonkey kinda way. We were able to shoehorn the word 'Dominatrix' in and rhyme it with 'latex'. And that's something you'll grow to appreciate about the Nonkeys song writing genius; the ability to always, always, ALWAYS find a rhyme. Even if it's an appalling use the English language. And if all else fails, and we can't find a rhyme we either change the word using, or we invent a word.
On a number of occasions we have invented names. In 'Horny Ornithologists' we needed a word to rhyme with 'aviary'. reports ' Words and phrases that rhyme with aviary: (0 results)
Sorry, no perfect rhymes were found.' So we invented a character called 'Amy Maviary'. Eh? Ya get me? Well, we've done it again; in 'Lady Lemonade' we needed a rhyme for 'tea totaller', so we invent 'Fanny Floataller'. Smooth (AMC). Am I boring you?
Be assured, it is a funny song. Actually, Nige' wrote the basics of this song some time ago, for a blues band. We had to sit down the re-work it. It need 'raunching' up in a Nonkey kinda way. We were able to shoehorn the word 'Dominatrix' in and rhyme it with 'latex'. And that's something you'll grow to appreciate about the Nonkeys song writing genius; the ability to always, always, ALWAYS find a rhyme. Even if it's an appalling use the English language. And if all else fails, and we can't find a rhyme we either change the word using, or we invent a word.
On a number of occasions we have invented names. In 'Horny Ornithologists' we needed a word to rhyme with 'aviary'. reports ' Words and phrases that rhyme with aviary: (0 results)
Sorry, no perfect rhymes were found.' So we invented a character called 'Amy Maviary'. Eh? Ya get me? Well, we've done it again; in 'Lady Lemonade' we needed a rhyme for 'tea totaller', so we invent 'Fanny Floataller'. Smooth (AMC). Am I boring you?
Nonkey Song Writing Techniques

- 1. I have an idea,
- 2. I write the lyrics,
- 3. I write the music,
- 4. I record all of the music,
- 5. Then Nige' does some singing.
Having The Idea
Firstly, you have to have an idea for a song. Something that makes you laugh. The level to which the idea makes you laugh may range from 'mild titter' to 'outright gaffaw'. It could be a joke someone told you, it could be an expression someone uses, it could be a bogey on the wall which has been sculpted into the shape of Che Guevara. Keep your eyes open at all times or you might miss that inspiration.
Write The Lyrics
OK, so you got the idea. Let's say, the booger one. Next thing to do is decide if the song is going to have a 'punchline' or if the song is going to have a catchy, sing-along chorus? You could have both, but that uses up two good ideas in one song, and you don't really want to spend your creative juices prematurely. Let's try writing a catchy, sing-along chorus for our booger song. First line will be...
There's a booger on the wall in the shape of Che Guevara
We could now search the for something that rhymes with 'Guevara'. How about this...
There's a booger on the wall in the shape of Che Guevara
It's an admirable attempt at sculpting nasal carbonara
Hey? Sounds like the beginnings of another Nonkey classic. Ya get me?
To Be Continued.
Monday, January 30, 2006
More songs about boobies and pooh
So there we were, Nige and Pete, the artists formerly known as ‘The Nonkey Brothers’, at a creative dead end. Impotent and flacid (in a musically creative kind of way). Since we stopped all Nonkey activities back in 2000, we’d done nothing for the benefit of mankind.
After the legal battle over band finances ( was finally resolved, we agreed that we should write a new Nonkey Brothers album. Get back to what we do so well and focus on our core competencies. Which basically boils down to more songs about boobies and pooh. (Perhaps we should call the new album 'More Songs About Boobies and Pooh'?)
After the legal battle over band finances ( was finally resolved, we agreed that we should write a new Nonkey Brothers album. Get back to what we do so well and focus on our core competencies. Which basically boils down to more songs about boobies and pooh. (Perhaps we should call the new album 'More Songs About Boobies and Pooh'?)
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